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Solar Panels Company Near Me - The Tampa Solar Company

Sep 2

It is essential to look at all options and the costs of installing solar panels in your home before you decide. This article will look at the cost and kinds of solar panels on the market, along with financing options available. In addition, you'll find out about the high-quality of panels available.

Installing solar panels

Solar panels are a great method of saving energy costs. The Tampa Solar Company offers residential and commercial solar panel installation services. Their highly trained technicians will make your home and commercial business solar-ready. They also have the ability to build and construct solar pools and hot water systems. Their teams use high-quality components and materials. Additionally, they handle the utility paperwork and municipal permits to ensure the installation is safe and efficient.

If you are interested in solar panels, you should be aware that they are exempt from sales tax. Although solar panels were once subject to sales tax in Florida They have been tax-free since 2005. This tax break is a way for anyone to purchase solar panels and then install them on their property or business. This tax break allows you to save money, receive free electricity in addition to increasing the value of your home.


The price of solar panels will differ dependent on the amount of panels needed and also the kind of panels you select. It also covers installation, permitting inspection, interconnection and permits. Costs could be affected by the type of roof on your home. In general, the more sloped your roof is, the less panels you will need.

If your solar panels generate more power than the home's consumption, your electricity provider may offer rebates. Some utilities do not provide rebates. It's essential to consult your utility company prior to installing solar panels.

Financing options

Low-interest solar loans can be used to finance solar panels for homeowners. These loans offer the option of long-term repayment, with low interest rates, and cutting down your monthly electric bill. The money that solar panels generate will help in the repayment of the loan, with the remaining savings being deposited directly into the borrower's pocket. Solar systems pay for themselves quickly in sunny regions or areas with significant electricity costs.

PPA and capital leasing are two of the major sources of financing for solar panels. Non-profits and government agencies can use PPAs as low-risk financing options. Although PPAs are able to be utilized by nonprofits or other government entities to receive tax benefits from solar panel installations but they are not qualified for tax credits for homeowners. PPAs typically limit projects that cost $300,000 or more. A different financing option is best for larger organizations and non-profits.

The quality of panels

It is important to pay focus on the quality and reliability of your panels prior to deciding the company that will install them. The quality of solar panels depends on the irradiance of the sun's beam on the panel. Moreover, in Tampa the sun shines bright and constant throughout the year. Tampa Bay gets the most sunlight during summer and spring. The ideal is for your panels to be placed at a 28 degree angle above horizontal and facing due south, in order to maximise production year-round.

The Tampa-based solar power company should have at least 10 years experience. Find one with an ardent interest in the solar industry as well as the local community. Don't be shy to ask questions! Solar panels prices can vary from a few thousand dollars up to hundreds of thousands.


If you are deciding on a firm to install your solar-powered energy system, it's crucial to look into the warranty. It is a sign of the confidence that the company and manufacturer have in their product and workmanship. A great warranty will protect your from any issue with the system for the duration you are the owner of it. When selecting a solar provider, you should always ask about their warranty and inquire about their policy regarding service.

Two types of warranty are available two types of warranties are available: one for workmanship and the other for performance. The workmanship warranty covers the work of the company, and the performance guarantee guarantees that the system will produce the desired output the performance guarantee protects the system. The most reliable companies offer warranties that last for 25 years.

Name      The Tampa Solar Company Florida

Address  Tampa Bay, Florida

Phone   (813) 592-5529